Cambridge Generative AI in Education Conference 2024

Event title:

Cambridge Generative AI in Education Conference 2024
Human-machine collaboration and the expansion of the dialogic space:
Addressing the challenges of generative AI integration in education


Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge


Digital Education Futures Initiative (DEFI); Glenlead Centre.


16-17th October


Hilton Cambridge City Centre, 20 Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3DT

Fee to attend:


The release of ChatGPT in November 2022 sparked widespread interest in the potential of generative AI technology in education. Despite this enthusiasm, the adoption of generative AI in education, teaching, learning, and research has not yet become widespread. This conference aims to address the challenges and opportunities presented through the sharing of ideas about integrating generative AI into educational practices and developing generative AI literacy.

What is increasingly becoming a focus around the successful integration of generative AI in education, as well as in other sectors, is the notion of human-machine collaboration and consideration of the expansion of the dialogic space. This means that the way in which humans interact and utilise technologies is likely to be transformed as the use of generative AI becomes increasingly widespread. This extends to the possibility of new kinds of human-machine and human-machine-human collaboration, dialogue, connected intelligence and collaborative decision making. Understanding  these transformations, the possibilities, as well as challenges and limitations, invites an interdisciplinary and global approach to research and development.

One significant barrier to widespread adoption is educators’, students’ and learners’ concerns about using generative AI safely, effectively, and ethically while remaining compliant with regulations. Generative AI’s sophistication and versatility are continuously evolving and understanding how to integrate it in human-centred ways into existing educational practices requires careful consideration. This presents new challenges that necessitate interdisciplinary, participatory, stakeholder co-designed, iterative, and contextual approaches to research and development.

A further aspect of this conference will be to consider global and local inequalities and educational exclusions and consider how generative AI can be used to address such pressing challenges.

This conference will bring together experts from various fields to discuss and develop strategies for integrating generative AI in education. Topics will include safe and effective use of generative AI tools, collaboration and dialogue with and through AI tools, ethical considerations, regulatory compliance, and methods for developing generative AI literacy among educators and students. Through collaborative efforts, the conference aims to foster innovative solutions and best practices for leveraging generative AI to enhance educational outcomes.

Attendees will have the opportunity to present and participate in interactive sessions, workshops, and panel discussions led by leading researchers, educators, and industry professionals. The goal is to create a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and insights that can inform future practices and policies. By addressing these critical issues, the  conference seeks to pave the way for a more informed and effective integration of generative AI in education, ultimately contributing to the advancement of teaching, learning, and research in the digital age.

The deadline for submission of an abstract of maximum of 500 words, if you wish to present, will be Monday September 16th 2024 midnight (British Summer Time, BST – that is GMT + 1 hour). We aim to confirm acceptance by September 30th 2024.

The conference fee will be £175, but concessions will be offered to individuals coming from low-income countries. The conference fee does not include accommodation and it is suggested that you book accommodation provisionally. Cambridge is compact so access to the venue will be relatively easy from most hotels and accommodation in Cambridge. The location of the conference and venue in Cambridge will be confirmed shortly and further details about the conference will be released as soon as they become available.

The provisional conference programme will be as follows:

Arrival and conference registration afternoon and evening of the 15th of October with a reception on the evening of the 15th.

Registration will be available on the morning of the 16th October and throughout the conference for later arrivals.

Wednesday 16th October

0900 – 1200 Plenary, keynotes and panel sessions
Lunch will be provided midday to 1330 with time for networking and informal discussion
1330 – 1730 Parallel themed sessions and workshops

Conference dinner (included in conference fee) at Hughes Hall.

Thursday 17th October

0900 – 1600 Parallel themed sessions and workshops
With lunch provided between 1200 – 1330
1600 – 1730 closing keynotes and panels

To register your interest in this conference, and/or to submit an abstract, please use this link. For other inquiries please email